Public Service Superannuation Plan
The Public Service Superannuation Plan (PSSP) is a defined benefit pension plan. The Plan's purpose is to provide members with a lifetime retirement income.
PSSP also provides benefits in the event of death, disability and termination of employment.
You are a member of PSSP if you became a permanent or labour service employee before October 1, 1977 and you did not elect to transfer to PEPP.
The Plan is governed by The Public Service Superannuation Act, which came into being on May 1, 1927.
This Act also governs employees of the Anti-Tuberculosis League and the Saskatchewan Transportation Company.
The Plan was closed to new members as of October 1, 1977.
The Liquor Board Superannuation Act governs the pensions for employees that worked for the Liquor Board prior to October 1, 1977 and who did not elect to transfer to the Public Employees Pension Plan. The Liquor Board Superannuation Plan has the same provisions as the Public Service Superannuation Plan and all the information for PSSP members applies to LBSP members.