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Retirement Services

Plannera provides services to retired members and those working to build their pension. We also provide payroll services to all our pension plans and pensioners.

Plannera administers the Variable Pension Benefit (VPB) for Public Employees Pension Plan (PEPP) members. This retirement income option is the most flexible option for all PEPP members. Introduced in 2006, the VPB now has over 8,000 members.

Plannera introduced the Lifetime Pension in 2025 for PEPP members. This retirement income option provides members and, if applicable, their spouse, dependable monthly income for life. Lifetime Pension can work in combination with VPB and provides annual adjustments to payments which, over time, help pensions keep up with inflation.

We also administer the Saskatchewan Pension Annuity Fund (SPAF). This retirement income option is available to PEPP members. SPAF offers a consistent stream of income for your lifetime and your spouse's lifetime, if applicable. Introduced in 2005, SPAF has almost 1,500 members.